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This morning I had the absolute pleasure of waking up in Rosarito, Mexico, about a 3 hour drive south of LA. Walking out of the colorful, ocean front double wide trailer we rented from AirBnB, I stepped onto the front porch with this million dollar view.

As I sat and sipped my coffee, I took in all of the salty smells and the gorgeous sights. To my right were these beautiful, exotic flowers. As I studied the details of this particular flower, I received an insight about the parallels of this plant….and us: Like this flower, we were once a seed; and that seed was planted and fertilized where it was intended to grow. And just like this flower, we have to fully bloom where we are, in order to open up and share our gifts with the world, to expand what’s possible for those around us, and to leave a legacy behind us that lives on way longer than we ever will. If the flower never fully blooms, the bee’s can’t access the pollen to fertilize more plants and feed their young, the birds miss out on the nectar, and the winds won’t be able carry the seeds to be planted elsewhere.

Flower Beauty

But, so many of us choose to look at where we are (where we were planted) and blame that for why we can’t bloom. But it is precisely that circumstance that is calling us to bloom, despite how difficult it may seem. That job that you’re “stuck” in, that person you just don’t see eye to eye with, that relationship you’ve let slip away—we must be willing to fully bloom into our highest self within that circumstance, so that we can fertilize more growth for the world that surrounds us.

Bloom where you are. Challenge yourself to open fully to your innermost potential of love and giving versus shrinking down and hiding that love and expansion. As human beings, we stand in our truth and live our potential when we allow ourselves to fully open up and bloom, no matter where we are. That is the only way your seeds, your gifts, will be able to spread to the world.

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