I've given up PERFECTIONISM for the pursuit of EXCELLENCE.

I’ve casted aside the need to have it all figured out, for the fulfillment of dedicated, daily practice.
I’m done with comparing myself to others, but most importantly comparing myself to some idea of MYSELF that I THINK I SHOULD be. I’m ready to “win” simply because I BEGIN. I’m ready to truly see what I’m made of-- not in the final moments of glory but in the day to day mundane that’s ON THE PATH to glory; it's about who I will show up as in THOSE moments.
I’m ready to truly commit to having complete integrity with what I say I care about, who I say I am and what I am here to do. I’m making a public declaration that I will no longer settle for mediocrity in any area of my life, especially when it comes to my self care and having integrity with my boundaries that will hold my self care.
My mastery will be a direct reflection of who I am, moment to moment, decision to decision and action by action. My mastery will hang on who I AM, not what I do—especially when no one is watching.
I say this not as a stab at who I’ve been, because I’m damn proud of that---but I say this as a testament to my continued commitment and dedication to what true Mastery is in life.