Behind the Curtain
The best relationships are the ones that are REAL, AUTHENTIC, and RAW; the ones that challenge everything you thought you knew about yourself and calls you to step into your highest self…over and over (and over!) again.
I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had recently with single friends saying “I just want what you and Preston have” and my response is always the same: “while this is the most amazing relationship I’ve had, it’s the one that has been the most work of my life. It’s called me to step into the highest version of myself, face all the parts of myself I used to hide from, and truly learn what it means to love unconditionally.”
Why is it that we are raised with the idea of the “perfect relationship” yet we’re never shown the work that goes into making that relationship seem so “perfect.”

1. There is no such thing as a “perfect relationship.”
2. It is THE WORK that makes the relationship amazing, deepens the bond and understanding of one another and expands who we are as individuals.
The amount of WORK Preston and I are with in our relationship is intense and amazing all at the same time. When you bring two people together—that are both fully committed to living their best life, that are both fully committed to expanding their comfort zones and growing into their highest self; two people that are super strong, and super passionate—it’s a recipe for some amazing work that takes place.
Yes, we fight. Yes, we’ve said things we didn’t mean. Yes, we both have hurt each other with our sharp words because we were hurt and protecting our egos. BUT—THAT’S what makes our relationship so strong.
While, at first, those moments used to make me want to run (my mind chatter screaming: this isn’t supposed to be so hard!) and now those moments are an indicator that we’re about to do some major transformation work, wipe out parts of our ego that we’re still stuck in, and deepen our understanding and love of ourselves and one another.
What I want to make clear is this—if you’re waiting for the perfect relationship, you’ll be waiting forever. If you want something real, something mind-blowing and heart expanding…a relationship is the best place for working on yourself and understanding others with grace and acceptance. Two different people are bound to have differences, but if you can learn to dance in the differences and still find love and joy with your partner…THAT IS THE MAGIC OF LOVE.
Looking to ATTRACT THE ONE???---hear what we have to say about that!