You can't dispel darkness with more darkness; you can only dispel the darkness by bringing in the light.
Darkness can include many things large and small: anger, guilt, frustration, jealousy, envy, hatred, fear, maliciousness, and secrecy. Often, when faced with these dark emotions, our human mind, or ego, wants to retaliate with darkness to meet it at it’s place.
But if we think about it- we cannot dispel darkness with MORE darkness. We can’t meet anger with anger, or hate with hate, or even jealousy with frustration. This is why war is unsuccessful and ever-present, because it’s darkness fighting darkness and hoping to get impossible light; or animal rights groups “acting out” from darkness against companies with darkness in their practices. We don’t ever solve anything because it’s just adding more “blackness” into an already dark room.
The ONLY way to rid the room of the blackness, the dark, is to bring in the LIGHT: love, compassion, empathy, joy, affection, appreciation, support and gratitude.
It’s such a simple concept, but one that I know I’m in constant practice of still- show up as LIGHT in the face of DARKNESS, no matter what. Show up as LOVE in the face of hurt, show up as COMPASSION in the face of fear. Show up as JOY in the face of hate.
We have this crazy ability to be able to rise above all “darkness” in life if WE JUST CHOOSE IT. It’s not easy…in fact, it goes against everything we’ve been programmed to do since we were in adolescense; but it’s RIGHT THERE….next time, choose it.